We are recruiting for a trustee with financial expertise

The Secret Museum team presents to the audience

The Opportunity

Museum of Homelessness is seeking a new trustee with financial expertise to join our board. This is an exciting moment of change as we confirm a new plan for the next three years.

In the last 5 years, a vibrant and wonderful community has come together around the idea of a Museum of Homelessness. This community has developed excellent governance; democratic organisational processes; a strong reputation; groundbreaking creative and collecting activity; a fantastic range of partners and a safe financial foundation. Our current treasurer Nuala Timoney, over the last three years, has brought the charity from a cash accounting basis to full charity accounting on an accruals basis, has registered the charity for Gift Aid and has supported the charity to become an employer. We are in a sound financial position with reserves mitigating immediate risk and a strong foundation. We hope our new treasurer will continue to contribute to financial security of the charity whilst helping us build for the future.

What we need

This is a key role and works closely with the co-founders and chair of trustees as the lead financial trustee, acting as a main point of contact for our financial policies and protocols. Last year we recruited a number of new trustees who have brought significant experience to the board. Our new treasurer will be comfortable working with people who have a diverse range of skills and will contribute to good governance processes and leadership. More info about what is involved with being our treasurer is included in the pack below. If you feel this role is for you, do read on.

How to apply

Please read the information in the Treasurer recruitment pack 2022. Then, to apply please send us a statement telling us:

  • Why you want to be MoH's new treasurer

  • What hat can you bring to MoH in terms of experience/knowledge

  • What you think you will get from being involved

  • How this fits in to what you are doing at the moment

Your statement can either be in word, in the body of an email or it can be a short film/voice recording. During this process, we will be looking at how people meet the skills/experience we've identified and also how you meet the job description and person specification (included in the final pages of this pack).You download an easy read version here

Applications should be emailed to matt@museumofhomelessness.org

Key dates

  1. Application deadline - 05 September 2022

  2. Interviews - mid September 2022

  3. Attend our next board meeting on 19 Sept 2022

  4. Take up role after the September board meeting, working with our outgoing treasurer Nuala on a handover.

Access and Inclusion

We want to be an inclusive museum. Museum of Homelessness actively works to interrogate and dismantle unequal power structures in society. We don't always get things right, but we keep learning as we go and we always try our best. Our work is powerful because it is honest and it is shaped by people who have experienced all kinds of inequality. Together, we believe that to fight homelessness and poverty we must simultaneously fight all other forms of marginalisation. If this statement and purpose resonates with you due to your experiences and/or identities, we would particularly love to see an application from you. NB You are not expected to disclose your experiences as part of the application or as part of your work with MoH. We have an easy read version of the recruitment materials here, but please contact matt@museumofhomelessness.org if another format would be more accessible.


Museum of Homelessness honours the 1286 people experiencing homelessness who died in 2021


National vigil to remember people who died homeless on 31 March