Sexual health drop ins at Museum of Homelessness

We have started monthly sexual health drop ins at Museum of Homelessness in collaboration with the brilliant CLASH, CNWL NHS Foundation Trust and our old friends Streets Kitchen and The Outside Project.

We are trialing this as the park and local area are spaces that are regularly used for sex working and cruising and this can be particularly relevant to our community of people experiencing homelessness.

Our first free and confidential sexual health drop-in with partners CLASH @cnwlnhs and the Outside Project centreing LGBTQIA+ people, sex workers and/or anyone experiencing homelessness will be this Thursday, 7th December 14:00-16:00

We'll be offering full sexual health screens, free condoms, advice and referrals around safer sex, PrEP, contraception, abuse and support services. And of course warm hospitality and support as well.

We look forward to seeing you there!
#lgbtiqcommunitycentre #homelesslgbtiqsolidarity


Refused? Our first installation at the Museum


Christmas Day at the Museum and December community activities!