We’re Recruiting Volunteers!

museum of homelessness volunteers in clerkenwell fire station

Please note: We are pausing volunteer recruitment for the time being so that we can onboard and induct our current volunteer applicants. Please watch this space for more opportunities to volunteer in the future.

We are looking for new volunteers to join our crew as we prepare to open the world’s first Museum of Homelessness (MoH) to the public in 2024! 

We have a big list of exciting things that we are cracking on with and we are looking for your help!

We are recruiting for different kinds of volunteer activity to help support MoH.

How it will work: Once you have had your induction, we will add you to a WhatsApp group for that crew so you can get the call outs and get involved. 

The Roles

Cook Crew (Starts March)

Community cooks will help out with our Tuesday community days by preparing a meal which is served at 12.45pm to between 10 and 30 people each Tuesday. 

You will need a food hygiene certificate at Level 2, which we can fund if you don’t have one. 

Garden Crew (Starts March)

We are in the process of transforming the grounds of our new site into a beautiful community garden. 

You will dig, plant and build on Tuesdays (regular) and also on a rapid response call out when the weather is good and we need to undertake a big bit of work. 

Build Crew (Starts March)

We are building the museum! Crew will be needed to help paint, sand, install objects and do tasks around the place as we get ready to open the museum. This activity will take place during March and April when we close the site for 8 weeks to totally transform it. 

Street Crew (Starts March)

We have recently begun breakfast runs in the area getting essentials out to people locally. 

You will be working in pairs on Thursday mornings from 7am to about 8.30am getting hot drinks and supplies out to people who are sleeping out and checking in to see how people are. 

Museum Crew (Starts May)

Crew members support hosting the museum open days which will be Fridays and Saturdays from the end of May 2024. 

You will welcome visitors, answer questions and help with the museum’s front of house operations.

Next steps

Volunteer inductions & onboarding will be held on: 

28th February 6pm – 7.30pm 

27th March 6pm – 7.30pm 

24th April 6pm – 7.30pm 

Garden crew, Cook crew and Street crew are needed straight away. Museum crew will start at the end of May 2024. 

Support, development and practicals 

The Museum of Homelessness is committed to supporting people in their ambitions so we will provide training and development for all our community members should they wish. Examples of this have included training in community organising, data journalism, trauma-informed coaching, forest school facilitation and other courses.

For freelancers and volunteers, please contact us if you have some training or development in mind. 

Museum of Homelessness provides reasonable expenses for volunteers, subject to funding. We can usually provide £10 per day for our volunteers, we will confirm during inductions. 

If you are in hardship please do not hesitate to speak with one of the co-founders and see if MoH can help. MoH can support its community members with practical items such as travelcards, furniture and equipment or money for food. We can easily and quickly have a non-judgemental conversation to see if we can help with anything.


We’re Hiring Duty Managers!


We are recruiting for trustees in 2024!