We’re Recruiting Volunteers!
We are looking for new volunteers to join our crew as we prepare to open the world’s first Museum of Homelessness (MoH) to the public in 2024!

Reflecting on our first 6 weeks in the museum’s new site!
Our first two weeks in the museum’s new site, Manor House Lodge

Gaza: Our open letter to Rishi Sunak calling for an immediate ceasefire
Gaza: Our open letter to Rishi Sunak calling for an immediate ceasefire, Museum of Homelessness

Objects and Concepts: Album Launch with Surfing Sofas
Objects and Concepts: Album Launch with Surfing Sofas

Our first two weeks at our new site, Manor House Lodge!
Our first two weeks in the museum’s new site, Manor House Lodge

Service of Commemoration for those who have died homeless in the last year – ‘Here I am’
Service of Commemoration.
Artwork by John Sheehey

Our letter in the Times challenging facial recognition surveillance
Our letter in the This week we signed this letter to The Times with our friends at Liberty and 11 other groups calling for an end to facial recognition technology and more support for people who are struggling.

We stand in solidarity with sex workers on Sex Worker Pride.
We stand in solidarity with Sex Workers on Sex Worker Pride

Community Programme at Manor House Lodge - from October
Museum of Homelessness crew summer 2023